Monday, March 25, 2013


It's time for Disneyland!!!!
 Here is some very important information please read carefully!!!
We will be performing in Hollywood Adventure on the backlot stage at 2:30pm on Tuesday April 2nd! The Disneyland staff wants us to meet them in front of the Monsters inc. Ride at 1:00! DO NOT BE LATE!!!! Here are some important details/rules we must follow:
*Do not wear costume into the park, you must put the costume in a small carry bag or backpack to bring into the park. please come with hair and make up done!
*Parents and families are not allowed backstage. so once you drop off your dancer with me you can go have fun and come back at 2:30 for the show! The show is 25 minutes! After the show you can take your dancer and enjoy the rest of the day in the park!
*California adventure hours 8-10, Disneyland hours 8-12
*Once we go and get ready they will take our group picture and if you would like to purchase one you can buy them for $10 at the photo shop

We Will run their dances during or after class this week. If I feel they need more practice I will let you know and we will schedule it on friday!
I am so excited! Please remember you are representing Ultimate Dance so please be respectful and follow all of the rules!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Team lineup Dixie High School St. George Saturday March 23rd
Dixie high School 350 E 700 S. St. George Utah
Elite prep be there 9:30
lyical 10:30 in Auditorium
hip hop 3:01 in Gym
Energy be there 10:00
Lyrical 10:57 in Auditorium
Hip hop 3:o4 in Gym
Jr. prep be there10:15
lyrical 11:15 in Auditorium
Jazz 3:41 in Gym
Sr. Elite be there 12:15
Lyrical 1:15 in Auditorium
Jazz 3:53 in Gym
Ultimate Co. Be there 12:30
Jazz 4:15 in Gym
Lyrical 1:25 in Auditorium
Sweet n sassy be there 8:15
jazz 9:06 audi
lyrical 9:33 audi
Diamonds be there 8:15
Jazz 9:09 audi
Lyrical 10:28 audi
Pewees be there 8:30
Jazz 9:18 Audi
Lyrical 10:50 audi
Dynamite be there 8:45
lyrical 9:44 audi
Jazz 10:03 audi
Stars be there 9:00
Lyrical 10:01 Audi
Jazz 10:17 Audi
Mini co be there at 9:00
Jazz 10:06 Audi
Lyrical 10:23 Audi
Sr. Co Be there 10:30
Jazz 11:33Audi
Lyrical 12:56 Audi
Jr. Elite Be there 10:45
Lyrical 11:42 Audi
Jazz 12:53 Audi
Jr. Co. be there 12:00
Lyrical12:59 Audi
Jazz 1:39 Audi


*All Dances Competed before 12:00 Awards will be at 12:00 Including Overall High points for sweet n sassy, pewees, dynamite, diamonds, stars and Mini co.
* All dances competed after 12:00 will have awards at 4:30 including Overall High point awards for Jr. prep, energy, elite prep, jr. elite, Sr. Elite, Jr. Co, Sr. Co, and Ultimate Co.